Consumers Urged to Check for Unclaimed Power of Attorney Refunds

Less than 20% of a rebate fund for Power of Attorney applications has been claimed, according to figures obtained from the Ministry of Justice by Royal London. Refunds are available for applicants who were overcharged for part of a Power of Attorney application fee during a specific three-year period. An estimated one million people are […]

Millions of UK Adults Prepared to Contest Family Wills at Court, Says Research

12.6 million Brits said they would contest a loved one’s will if they were unhappy with how the estate had been divided, according to research by Direct Line Life Insurance. The poll looked at responses from across the UK, with those most willing to dispute in Southampton (31%), London (29%) and Norwich (29%). Whether the […]

Dying Without a Will

Dying without a will is common. In the UK, approximately two thirds of all people who die don’t leave a will. This means they die intestate, and according to an article in the Guardian, new laws for these situations were introduced on October 1. The changes will not effect those who leave assets of less […]

Will Writing Should be Regulated

All those offering will writing and estate administration services should be regulated, the Legal Services Board has recommended. The LSB was set up to regulate lawyers in England and Wales. Its goal is to modernise the provision of legal services by putting consumers at the heart of the legal system, and it has released a […]

Leaving Money To Pets

So you read the news that Alexander McQueen left £50,000 to his pet dog and thought ‘only in the celebrity world’ – however leaving a cash inheritance to your pet is actually quite common. A survey conducted by More Than Pet Insurance found that British pet owners plan to bequeath a staggering  £26 billion to their pets […]