Contract Law (A Guide to the Principles!)
Contract law is a body of law regulating the making and enforcing of agreements. We all enter into hundreds of contracts throughout our lives, very often on a daily basis. This can range from simply buying a cup of coffee or booking a holiday, to entering into a contract of employment or selling our home. […]
Contract Terms
A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties. The terms of contract set out the rights and obligations of each party under that agreement. It is these contract terms that determine what the contracting parties are legally obligated to do in exchange for the promise of the other. The following article […]
Legal Remedies (A Brief Overview!)
Legal remedies are the means with which a court of law, in a civil law context, enforces a right, provides compensation or makes some other court order as a means of resolving a contractual, tortious or other type of dispute. Such remedies can generally be divided into two categories: legal and equitable. Legal remedies allow […]
Exclusion Clause in Contract Law (A Summary!)
An exclusion clause in contract law is a common way of apportioning risk for contracting parties to exclude or restrict their liability to one another in the event of default. Some clauses seek to completely exclude liability, whereas others limit it. This may be, for example, by capping the amount payable in damages in the […]
Consideration in Contract Law (A Short Guide!)
Consideration in contract law is one of three key elements required to make a contract valid and binding. The three essential components which must be present to make a contract enforceable are: that an agreement has been reached between all parties; that there is an intention by all parties to be legally bound by the […]
What is Discharge of Contract?
Discharge of contract refers to the ending of a contractual agreement between parties. Entering into a contract creates legally binding rights and obligations for all parties to it, and by discharging the contract, those rights and obligations are no longer enforceable. This can either be because the terms of the contract have been fulfilled, or […]
Estoppel (A Short Explanatory Guide!)
12 minute read Last updated: 16th October 2019 Estoppel is a long-established doctrine in English law which, put very simply, prevents a person who agrees one set of facts with another individual going back on their word. This article covers: Common types of estoppel Estoppel by representation Promissory estoppel Proprietary estoppel Estoppel by convention Other […]
Equity Law: An Introduction
The law of England and Wales could be described as a body of rules, some of which are defined by legislation, others that have evolved through centuries of judgments being delivered in the courts. The latter is known as the common law of the country and is based on the legal precedents or rules developed […]
What is Family Law?
Family law is an area of law that relates to family matters and involves a host of authorities, agencies and groups which participate in or influence the outcome of private disputes or social decisions involving family law. Such a view of family law may be regarded as assisting the understanding of the context in which […]