Employers’ Liability: Your Health & Safety Responsibilities

Employers’ Liability

As an employer, if you fail to take reasonable steps to ensure a safe working environment, and an employee is injured or suffers illness as a result, you may find yourself defending a claim for compensation. The following guide looks briefly at the law relating to employers liability claims and, in turn, what steps can […]

How to Make a SAR Request

The following guide sets out how to make a SAR request and what you should expect from the organisation you’re requesting the information from. What is a SAR request? By law you have a right to find out if any company or organisation is using or storing your personal data, and to be provided with […]

Minimum Working Temperature – What the Law Says!

mimumum working temperature

Under the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, employers are required to keep the temperature in the workplace to a ‘reasonable’ level. In practice, what would be classed as ‘reasonable’? Minimum working temperature There is no set minimum working temperature, however, the Workplace regulations suggest that the general minimum working temperature should be 16 […]

Professional Negligence Pre Action Protocol (How to Comply)

The professional negligence pre action protocol applies in the event a claim is made against a professional as a result of their alleged negligence or equivalent breach of contract or breach of fiduciary duty. What is the professional negligence pre-action protocol? In England and Wales civil litigation is governed by the Civil Procedure Rules (or […]

How Does the Claims Portal Work?

The Claims Portal is an online tool for securely processing low value personal injury claims in road traffic accidents, or employers’ and public liability claims. Strict Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) apply to running such claims, requiring parties to follow specific procedural steps and imposing tight deadlines within a framework of low fixed costs. Within this […]

What Does Domicile Mean?

‘Domicile’ and ‘residency’ are terms often used interchangeably, but for legal and taxation purposes in the UK, they are separate and distinct. Domicile is a legal concept that describes the country in which you officially have, or you believe to have, your real or permanent home. This is not, however, the same as ‘residence’. Residence […]

What does RIDDOR stand for?

A common health and safety question asked by employers is “What does RIDDOR stand for?” RIDDOR refers to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013, which place a legal duty on employers and other individuals responsible for work premises to report and keep records of certain serious workplace accidents, occupational diseases and […]

How Does a Discretionary Trust Work?

A discretionary trust is one of many different types of trust that are available. The suitability of each type of trust should be determined by a number of factors driven primarily by your personal objectives and plans. With its high degree of flexibility and wide practical application, the discretionary trust has become one of the […]