Roadmap Out Of Lockdown: New Rules from 29 March


The government has laid out details of the roadmap that will take England out of lockdown.

The new rules, which must be agreed by Parliament, provide the legal framework to ease current restrictions on a phased basis, provided certain tests are met.

From 29 March 2021, the mandate to stay at home will come to an end, although the government will encourage people to stay local where possible.

The rule preventing small gatherings of people outdoors will also be replaced by the rule of six. This means up to six people or two households of an unlimited number of people will be allowed to gather outside or in private gardens.

Outdoor sport facilities, such as football pitches, tennis courts and outdoor gyms, will be allowed to reopen and formally organised sports can restart.

Weddings will be allowed to take place, with audiences of up to six people.

As long as England meets its targets for tackling coronavirus, restrictions are expected to be further lifted as part of a ‘phase 2’ on 12 April, followed by changes every five weeks, provided the data supports the changes.

Under the roadmap, on 12 April, all shops will be allowed to open. This includes beauty salons and hairdressers, as well as clothing stores and other non-essential businesses such as gyms and spas.

Restaurants and pubs can reopen to serve food and alcohol, but only to customers who are seated outdoors. Some entertainment venues can reopen, such as libraries, zoos, theme parks and community centres.
Households are permitted to take a holiday within the UK in self-contained accommodation.

Weddings can increase to up to 15 people in attendance.

On 17 May, outdoor gatherings can expand up to 30 people, while six people or two households can gather indoors. Pubs and restaurants can also begin to seat customers indoors.

Weddings and other life events such as funerals for christenings can have up to 30 people in attendance, and any remaining entertainment venues such as theatres and cinemas can reopen. Gyms can restart exercise classes, as well as indoor group sports.

Performances and large-scale events will be allowed to restart with some restrictions on audience numbers. Hotels, hostels and bed and breakfasts can start accepting guests, and international travel can resume.

On 21 June, all legal restrictions on social contact will be removed.

Any caps on attendance numbers will be lifted, and nightclubs can reopen.

A review of the current restrictions on travel are expected to be announced by 12 April at the earliest.


Gill Laing is a qualified Legal Researcher & Analyst with niche specialisms in Law, Tax, Human Resources, Immigration & Employment Law.

Gill is a Multiple Business Owner and the Managing Director of Prof Services - a Marketing Agency for the Professional Services Sector.

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