Motorists Face New Fines for Driving with Loud Music


Drivers caught playing loud music are to face a fine of £100 under a new trial scheme.

In a move designed to tackle anti-social behaviour, Bradford Council is implementing a new Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) for a range of car-related nuisance behaviours, including playing loud music when driving.

Other motoring anti-social behaviours and vehicle use covered by the PSPO include shouting, swearing, causing a danger to other road users and making sexual suggestions from a motor vehicle.

The PSPO is expected to take effect from 1st June 2019 and will apply across the district to both local and visiting motorists.

Supplementing motoring offences

The new powers come in response to feedback from a public consultation in Bradford which found two thirds of local residents felt unsafe due to poor driving. Nuisance noise was cited as a particular problem. 76% supported the introduction of the PSPO to help reduce the anti-social behaviour in roads.

Public Space Protection Orders are used to maintain the peace in specific public areas where particular behaviours are considered to be negatively impacting the quality of life.
This PSPO is aimed at targeting wider road safety offences and behaviours not covered by existing motoring laws. It will empower police and council officers to issue fines to motorists for breaching the rules within the district. Only police have the powers to stop moving vehicles.

In addition, members of the public will be able to report offences of anti-social motoring behaviour to be investigated and, where appropriate, prosecuted by the council.


Gill Laing is a qualified Legal Researcher & Analyst with niche specialisms in Law, Tax, Human Resources, Immigration & Employment Law.

Gill is a Multiple Business Owner and the Managing Director of Prof Services - a Marketing Agency for the Professional Services Sector.

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