How Long Does Conveyancing Take?

The residential conveyancing process can take anywhere from 6 weeks up to 6 months from start to finish. It can be difficult for a solicitor to advise exactly how long conveyancing will take since every transaction is different to the next. While they may provide indication based on their experience and your circumstances, this will […]

What is Freehold Property?

In England and Wales, there are two main categories of property ownership: freehold and leasehold. Your legal rights and responsibilities over the property and its land are determined by whether you own the leasehold or freehold. In addition to this, there are further rights and restrictions in relation to freehold property depending on the type […]

Moving House Checklist

Like most large projects it’s worth having a ‘moving house checklist’ to remind you of everything you need to action when vacating your current property and to keep you on track for moving into your new home. You may have your checklist ready with the excitement of your offer being accepted or you may be […]

Should I Move House? (and What You Need to Consider!)

Asking yourself the question, should I move house can lead to much contemplation. Everyone has different reasons for making this decision and it depends on the stage you are at in your life and any associated family, work or personal–related reasons which could be driving your change. You may be ready to downsize as your […]

What is a Local Authority Search?

If you are buying a property, a local authority search is carried out during the conveyancing process and for prospective buyers it will be known as a search within the ‘search pack’. The local authority search provides additional protection to the buyer of the property to ensure there are no unexpected surprises, in terms of […]

What Local Searches Reveal?

When you purchase a property, your Conveyancing Solicitor will recommend various local searches which they will request with the Local Authority or other third parties. This provides peace of mind with the buyer that there are no current or future issues which could pop up with the property, so it’s a marketable sound investment. It […]

How Long to Move House? (The conveyancing process in action)

There is no definitive time frame to how long it takes to move house, as unexpected complications could arise during the conveyancing cycle and it’s also dependant on the number of vendors and buyers in the chain. At the point of an offer being accepted on the property you are buying / selling and obtaining […]

What is a Remortgage?

Remortgaging is the process of switching your current mortgage to a new mortgage deal. This could be with your existing lender or a different lender. You don’t have to move home as the new mortgage is secured against the property you already own. A remortgage, like any mortgage, is a long-term commitment so you should […]

6 Top Tips for Moving House

Moving house can be either overwhelming or a smooth experience as each property, individual circumstances and the legalities of the conveyancing process can be very different. There are some factors which can be out of your control and others which you can prepare for, with both the support of a Conveyancer Solicitor and reading our […]

House Completion (the Final Stage in Buying a House!)

Buying a house can take anywhere from 4 weeks up to 4 months depending on any unexpected discrepancies which may arise during the conveyancing process, as well as issues which may crop up from additional buyers and sellers, if there is a lengthy chain. Though for cash buyers and where there is a short chain, […]

Beware Chancel Repair Liability When Buying a House?

If you are buying a property (flat or house, old or new-build) that is in the boundaries of an Anglican Parish Medieval Church and the Church was built prior to 1536 then you may be subject to Chancel Repair Liability. This means that the Church could enforce the homeowner to pay for the full amount […]

What is Transfer of Equity?

A Transfer of Equity refers to the process by which one or more people are added or removed from ownership of a property and one of the original owners remains on the legal title after the Transfer of Equity is completed. Below we examine the meaning of ‘equity’, the circumstances in which you might want […]

What are Tenants in Common?

If you are looking to buy property with your partner, a relative or friend, or perhaps you have jointly inherited a property, there are two different types of property ownership options: ‘tenants in common’ or ‘joint tenants’. The type of ownership you register with HM Land Registry will affect how you legally own the property […]

What is a Compulsory Purchase Order?

Discovering that the property you own or occupy may be compulsorily acquired can be very distressing, particularly if you are unaware of where you stand legally. Below we examine in more detail the question of ‘what is a compulsory purchase order?’, including your rights as an owner and what an authorised body is required to […]

Vacant Possession (An Explanatory Overview!)

Vacant possession is the contractual right to exclusive use of a property, both physically and legally, following the sale of a property or grant of a lease. The purchaser or tenant must be free to enjoy the property for the purpose intended, without hindrance from any physical presence or legal impediment. By way of example, […]

A Guide to Fracking and Manorial Rights 

Fracking has become highly controversial for a number of reasons, with concerns around the environmental impact of this activity, access rights and ownership of the minerals. Fracking is a technique used to recover gas and oil from shale rock. Shale gas reserves have been identified across large parts of the UK, and are especially common […]

Boundary Dispute – What are Your Rights?

A boundary dispute is a disagreement between the owner(s) or occupier(s) of two or more neighbouring properties in respect of their rights and duties over their land. It is common for minor disagreements with neighbours relating to rights over land to escalate into full-scale boundary disputes. Boundary disputes can take many forms. Typically, disputes will […]