Understanding UK Consumer Law: Your Guide

The United Kingdom offers some of the most generous consumer laws and rights for individuals, with the aim of ensuring fairness and preventing exploitation for those purchasing goods and services. Whether it’s buying a new laptop, booking a holiday, using a tradesman or taking out a loan, consumer rights are there to protect you and your money, and to provide […]
Your Guide to Choosing Consumer Solicitors

It’s an unfortunate truth that consumers frequently face legal issues, from defective goods, misleading advertising and poor-quality services to unfair contract terms and violations of data privacy. In the UK, regulations such as the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) are designed to protect and enforce the rights of consumers. In some cases, however, the support […]
Consumer Contracts Regulations: What Are Your Rights?

The Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 (CCR) apply to contracts made both on and away from business premises, as well as “at a distance”. There are also rules for businesses providing digital content. Known formally as the Consumer Contracts Regulations (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges), the regulations came into force in June 2014, replacing the Distance […]
Consumer Rights Act 2015 FAQs

It’s a fact of life that things you buy may not always be as expected – whether the item is faulty, or damaged, or simply doesn’t do what it’s supposed to do. In these cases, you should be able to rely on protections under the Consumer Rights Act 2015. In this guide for consumers, we […]
How to Sue a Company

There are many reasons why you might be looking to sue a company. It might be for personal injury or negligence, or because they owe you money. It can be a daunting prospect to take on an organisation that has greater resources at its disposal and more experience than you of the legal process. This […]
Flight Cancellation Refund: What Are Your Rights?

Passengers travelling from the UK have certain rights in the event their flight is cancelled or delayed. In this guide, we outline your entitlements and what airlines are legally obliged to offer you if your flight has been cancelled or delayed. What are you entitled to if your flight has been cancelled? If your flight […]
Consumer Rights: Faulty Goods under Warranty

If an item you have purchased develops a fault, should you rely on your legal rights or make a claim under the warranty? What is a warranty? A warranty is, in essence, an insurance policy for your purchase. It is in addition to your statutory legal rights. It may be provided by the retailer or […]
Claiming Under the Sale of Goods Act (What You Should Do!)

Claiming under the Sale of Goods Act is the route a consumer should take if they have purchased an item that isn’t of the quality they expected. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 states that all goods purchased or sold in the UK must be as described, of satisfactory quality and fit for the purpose […]
Consumer Rights Act 2015: How to Claim a Refund

Under the Consumer Rights Act 2015, should you purchase an item or service that is faulty, you may be eligible for a refund. To be considered faulty, your purchase has to meet at least one of the following conditions: It isn’t of a satisfactory quality. It isn’t fit for purpose. It isn’t as described. There […]
Distance Selling Regulations (Your Consumer Rights!)

Distance selling is the sale of goods or services through mail order, digital TV, phone or text message. Consumer rights in this area were previously covered by the Distance Selling Regulations. These regulations were replaced by the Consumer Contracts Regulations in June 2014. Since October 2015, the delivery of goods, including those purchased via distance […]
How to Take Someone to the Small Claims Court

If you are owed money or are looking for compensation, you may be able to take the person or company responsible to the small claims court. You may have purchased a faulty product or paid for substandard work by a builder, or perhaps your landlord has refused to carry out repairs or you have suffered […]
Faulty Goods under Warranty (Your Consumer Rights!)

Where an item under warranty develops a fault, the path to remedying the situation may be as straightforward as claiming against your warranty but there are other options that may prove more effective. What is a warranty? A warranty is, in essence, an insurance policy for your purchase. It may be provided by […]
Sale of Goods Act (Your Consumer Rights!)

The Sale of Goods Act 1979 states that all goods purchased or sold in the UK must be as described, of satisfactory quality and fit for the purpose they were manufactured for. The Sale of Goods Act was replaced by the Consumer Rights Act in October 2015. The Consumer Rights Act also replaced the Supply […]
What is Product Liability Under the Consumer Protection Act?

As a consumer, when we buy any product, be that a washing machine, building materials, or a child’s toy, it is with the expectation that the item will be safe. So, what happens when we, our families or our property suffers damage from a faulty product? Under the Consumer Protection Act 1987, manufacturers, distributors, suppliers […]
How to Complain about Faulty Goods

If you have purchased an item that is not as described, of satisfactory quality or fit for the purpose, you have the right to complain to the retailer and you may have a claim under the Consumer Rights Act. When you purchase goods or services, you as the consumer agree to the terms of service and […]
Returning Faulty Goods: A Buyers Guide to Unsatisfactory Purchases

Faulty goods are items which either do not fit their pre-sale description, are of unsatisfactory quality, or are unfit for purpose. Even the most careful consumer occasionally finds that an item they have purchased is not up to standard, and may rightly seek a remedy of some kind. Recent buyers are protected from faulty goods […]
What are My Statutory Rights as a Customer?

The main piece of legislation determining your statutory rights as a customer is the Consumer Rights Act 2015. The Act consolidates outdated laws in this area and supplements newer legislation such as the Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013, simplifying and updating your statutory rights. The Act was drafted to reflect modern shopping habits and addresses four […]
N244 Form (Where to Find & How to Complete!)

The N244 form is an application notice, used to apply for a court order in the civil courts. The N244 form is used in relation to a number of different applications, normally in relation to monies owed to or by the applicant. It could be that this is an application for an initial court order […]
Nemo Dat Quod Non Habet

Nemo dat quod non habet, literally means “no one gives what he doesn’t have”. This is a legal rule, sometimes called the nemo dat rule, which states that the purchase of a possession from someone who has no ownership right to it also denies the purchaser any ownership title. It is equivalent to the civil […]
Gift Vouchers and Consumer Protection

The selling of gift vouchers by distressed retailers such as Comet, Jessops and HMV, in the run up to going into administration has been the subject of much adverse comment in the media in recent weeks. Consumers always seem to be pulling the short straw. Why is this and can anything be done to protect […]