Immigration Law Update: Legacy Asylum and Migration Cases

The Border Agency has generally failed to deal with its legacy of unresolved asylum cases, according to a recent report by the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration. This failure was, it says, largely due to inefficiency, poor customer service and a lack of security and data checks. Legacy cases The report, An inspection […]

Two Million Drive Unintentionally Uninsured

Almost two million people in the UK have driven a car belonging to someone else in the mistaken belief that they were insured to do so, according to recent research. If caught, both the driver and car owner could be fined and have points added to their licence Mistaken belief The research, carried out on […]

Will Writing Should be Regulated

All those offering will writing and estate administration services should be regulated, the Legal Services Board has recommended. The LSB was set up to regulate lawyers in England and Wales. Its goal is to modernise the provision of legal services by putting consumers at the heart of the legal system, and it has released a […]

Premier League TV Rights Case Raises Serious Intellectual Property Issues

The decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (“ECJ”) released today is the outcome expected, but may have far reaching consequences comments Michael Forrester of Ralli’s iSolicitors team. These cases concerned the screening of live premier league football matches in pubs through foreign decoder cards, issued by a Greek broadcaster to subscribers […]

Leaving Money To Pets

So you read the news that Alexander McQueen left £50,000 to his pet dog and thought ‘only in the celebrity world’ – however leaving a cash inheritance to your pet is actually quite common. A survey conducted by More Than Pet Insurance found that British pet owners plan to bequeath a staggering  £26 billion to their pets […]

ACS:Law/Media C.A.T-Judge Birss allows wasted costs application to proceed

Judgment was today handed down in the Patents County Court in the wasted and third party costs actions brought by a number of defendants against ACS: Law and the sole principle of that firm, Andrew Crossley. National law firm Ralli represented a number of Defendants in these actions. Ralli represented a number of defendants in […]

Termination Payments & Income Tax (Amendment) Regulations 2011

Well its all change in Employment Law today, one of those changes is the Income Tax (Pay As You Earn) (Amendment) Regulations 2011 coming into force which will affect the PAYE treatment of termination payments made to ex-employees after a P45 has been issued. Previously, if a taxable termination payment was made after the P45 […]

Illegal File Sharer Consumers To Launch Harassment Case

Ralli are advising hundreds of consumers in relation to a group action for harassment following letters from ACS:Law accusing those individuals of illegal filesharing and copyright infringement. Ralli have been contacted by hundreds of consumers who wish to discuss whether letters sent to them alleging copyright infringement over “peer to peer” networks amount to harassment. […]