Bereavement Leave (How Much Time Off Work?)

As an employer it is important that you provide both a compassionate and legally compliant approach to employee absence from work following the death of a loved one so as to minimise the impact on the bereaved individual and your business. Yet the law relating to bereavement leave is by no means clearly defined. What […]
SSP1 Form (Employer Guide)

Understanding how Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) works is an important part of being a responsible employer, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic. If you want to find out more about SSP and when to use the SSP1 form, the following guide covers the rules on employee entitlement, notice, self-certifying and fit notes, as well as […]
Protected Characteristics in the Workplace

The Equality Act 2010 was introduced as the primary piece of legislation for the enforcement and prevention of discrimination. Its powers extend to the workplace, supporting anti-discrimination in all areas of employment. The Act covers the specific ways in which certain personal characteristics known as protected characteristics are safeguarded, and looking specifically at employment, sets […]
Coronavirus: Making Workforce Changes

Employers are having to make difficult workforce decisions in response to the coronavirus outbreak. [toc] While the Government introduces emergency schemes to avert widescale layoffs and redundancies, employers need to be aware of the employment law implications of making changes to a worker’s contract terms. We look at some frequently asked questions from employers relating […]
Coronavirus: Caring For Dependants (Employer Guide)

Update to article following Government guidance on 4th April: Furloughing workers to care for dependants On 4 April, the Government issued specific guidance expanding the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme to allow employees to be furloughed to carry out caring responsibilities. The guidance states that workers unable to do their jobs because of caring responsibilities resulting from […]
Coronavirus: Working from Home (Employer Advice)

The UK Government has placed the country on official lockdown from 23 March 2020. Under the new rules, members of the public must not leave their house except to: Travel to and from work if impossible to work from home Shop for essentials, as infrequently as possible Exercise outdoors once per day, alone or with […]
Should You Offer Voluntary Redundancy?

When an employer considers the possibility of making compulsory redundancies in their workforce, they should always investigate any available alternatives to that course of action first. One of these alternatives is voluntary redundancy which may reduce the number of compulsory redundancies that an employer needs to make. It may even be that sufficient voluntary redundancies […]
How To Suspend An Employee From Work

Suspending an employee may be appropriate if there have been serious allegations of misconduct made against them and it would be detrimental to the investigation of these allegations to have the employee remain in the workplace. It is crucial to keep in mind that suspension itself is not a punishment. Rather, suspension is a necessary […]
Reducing Hours After Maternity Leave (HR Help!)

Many working mothers face the challenge of balancing childcare with work, so it’s not surprising that requests to change their hours of work to fit around their family needs are popular, especially when returning to work after taking maternity leave. How should an employer approach such a request? Do employees have the right to reduce […]
Types of Grievance At Work (Employer Guide)

Grievances are problems, complaints or concerns that employees raise with their employer. They can relate to range of issues and if an employee raises a grievance, the employer is required to take the matter seriously and to try and resolve the issue, or risk the complaint escalating further, potentially into a tribunal claim. It is […]
Disciplinary at Work (Procedure Guide)

Disciplinary action at work is the employer’s response to proven unacceptable behaviour or performance on the part of an employee, resulting in actions such as suspension or dismissal. Taking disciplinary action is just one part of the whole disciplinary procedure, and although it may be seen as an end point, it should be dealt with […]
Working Time Regulations (A Guide!)

The Working Time Regulations 1998 introduced, for the first time, rules of general application limiting working hours and providing for rest breaks and holidays. [toc] What are ‘workers’? The WTR only protects “workers”, defined as all those working under: A contract of employment; or Any other contract whereby the individual undertakes to perform any work […]
Misconduct At Work (How To Deal With It!)

Misconduct at work relates to behaviour deemed by an employer to be unacceptable in the workplace environment. Misconduct can have the effect of damaging a business’ reputation as a fair employer or a trustworthy company to deal with. It can cause damage to the property and belongings of the business and can lead to complaints […]
Disciplinary Meeting: How Employers Should Prepare

The disciplinary meeting is a critical stage in an organisation’s disciplinary procedure, as stipulated by ACAS in its Code of Practice. Even in seemingly straightforward cases where there is perceivable compelling evidence against an employee, a fair process must be followed. Where an employer fails to meet the required standards, they risk allegations of unfair […]
Poaching Staff (Can We Stop Our Competitors Taking Staff?)

Poaching staff and hiring talent from a competing company can help bring commercial and tactical advantage to your business. But if it is your employees that are at risk of being ‘poached’, this can have a devastating effect on your business, not least where a particular individual or team of employees are highly valued within […]
Dress Code at Work (Do Employers Have a Say? )

Having a dress code at work does not apply to every workplace however in some industries you have to dress a certain way. Whether it is due to health and safety regulations or to maintain a corporate image, as an employer you have the right to enforce a dress code at work as long as […]
Gross Misconduct in the Workplace (A Guide!)

When an employee commits an act that is so bad it warrants immediate dismissal, this is often referred to as ‘gross misconduct’ in the workplace. In some cases, an employer may be in their right to dismiss the employee without any notice and without having to offer them any extra pay. A lot of different […]
What is Constructive Dismissal (A Short Guide!)

Constructive dismissal is a common type of claim brought before employment tribunals. Constructive dismissal occurs where an employee resigns as a result of their employer having breached their employment contract, which causes the employee to reasonably believe that continuation of employment is impossible. What is constructive dismissal? Grounds for a constructive dismissal claim Not every breach […]
Redundancy Process for Less Than 20 Employees

The redundancy process for less than 20 employees is different than if you’re making 20 or more employees redundant within any 90-day period because for 20 or more employees you must follow ‘collective consultation’ rules. Redundancy occurs when an employee’s job no longer exists. There are many reasons behind it, including an immediate need to […]
Auto Enrolment Pensions (An Employers Guide!)
Since the introduction of the Pensions Act 2008, all UK employers are required to enrol certain employees in an auto enrolment pensions scheme and contribute towards it. This is known as Auto Enrolment. If your business employs 1 or more workers aged between 22 and the state pension age and earning over £833 per month […]