Exploring UK Family Law: A Guide


Family law is a specialist area of the UK legal system that deals with issues relating to family and domestic relationships. It encompasses a broad range of statutes, regulations and case law, governing how individuals in family relationships interact legally.

The primary aim of family law is to provide a legal framework that supports the fair and just resolution of disputes, while protecting the welfare of individuals, especially children.

The family law market in the UK is diverse and dynamic, comprising a wide range of legal services offered by different types of advisers and providers, catering to the evolving needs of families and individuals.

In this guide to the UK family law market, we provide a comprehensive overview of the industry today, with guidance on how to navigate the system to find the best possible support and advice for your needs.

Whether you are facing a legal challenge or simply seeking to understand your rights and options, this guide will equip you with essential information to help you make informed decisions.


Section A: Understanding Family Law


Family law refers to the body of law governing the legal issues relating to familial relationships. These include marriage, civil partnerships, children, and the responsibilities and rights that arise from these bonds.


1. Types of Issues Covered Under Family Law


The practice of family law includes the provision of advice and legal representation in matters related to family dynamics and disputes.

Family law covers a broad spectrum of issues, with some of the most common including:


a. Divorce and Separation: Legal processes for dissolving a marriage or partnership, including the division of assets and debts, and financial orders and arrangements.

b. Children: A broad area that focuses on protecting children’s rights and well-being, including child arrangements for separated parents, child maintenance, parental responsibility and child welfare and protection matters.

c. Adoption: The legal process to become the legal parent of a child who is not one’s biological offspring.

d. Paternity: Establishing who is the legally recognised father of a child, often linked to child support and custody issues.

e. Protection Orders: Orders to prevent domestic violence, stalking, or harassment by providing legal protection for the victim.


2. Relevant Laws and Regulations


The legislative framework for family law in the UK is comprehensive, involving various acts and regulations. Key pieces of legislation include:


a. The Matrimonial Causes Act 1973: Governs divorce laws and the associated financial provisions.

b. The Children Act 1989: Provides the framework for child welfare and the basis for decisions on child custody, welfare, and upbringing.

c. The Family Law Act 1996: Part of this act includes provisions for domestic violence and occupation orders.

d. The Adoption and Children Act 2002: Updates adoption law, making the child’s welfare the paramount concern.


Section B: The Family Law Market in the UK


The family law market in the UK is a significant component of the legal sector, characterised by a wide array of services that cater to an equally wide spectrum of family-related legal needs.

Understanding the market size, demand, and trends can provide valuable insights for both legal professionals and those seeking family law services.


1. Market Size and Scope


The market value of UK family law grew by 5.4% in 2023, surpassing the £2 billion mark for the first time [Source: UK Family Law Market Report 2024]. This is despite a 7.5% decrease in divorce petitions filed that same year.

While overall divorce filings might be declining, there is a growing demand for specific types of family law services. In 2023, there was a 13.2% increase in cases involving financial settlements after divorce, likely due to the backlog from the initial surge of no-fault divorces [Source: Today’s Family Lawyer, July 12, 2023].

The number of general family law firms is, however, shrinking, with a consolidation towards specialist practices [Source: Legal Futures, Research: Family law market grows as number of firms falls]. This suggests a growing need for expertise in specific areas like international family law or complex child arrangements.

The introduction of no-fault divorces in 2022 also coincided with a significant rise in online applications. By 2023, 95% of all divorce petitions were filed digitally [Source: UK Family Law Market Report 2024].

The future of the UK family law market looks promising, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.5% between 2023 and 2027 [Source: Today’s Family Lawyer, July 12, 2023]. This indicates a continued demand for specialised legal services in the family law sector.


2. Demand for Family Law Services


Demand for family law services in the UK remains high and continues to be resistant to economic fluctuations. This is largely because the triggers for family law services—such as divorce, child disputes and child protection—are not typically influenced by economic conditions.

Additionally, there is a growing recognition of the rights of cohabiting partners and same-sex couples, which has broadened the scope of family law and increased demand for legal expertise in these areas.


3. Trends and Recent Changes in the Market


As society continues to change, the family law market in the UK adapts, providing necessary services to address the diverse needs of families and individuals across the country. These trends reflect both the evolving nature of family relationships and the legal responses required to address new challenges.

The following key trends have been influential in reshaping the family law market in the UK:


a. Changes in Divorce Rates

Divorce rates most recently spiked in 2021, which was attributed to the COVID-19 lockdown. As of 2022, the most recent data shows a decrease in divorces compared to 2021. This may be due to factors such as couples prioritising financial stability over divorce in light of the current cost-of-living crisis; the rise of mediation services encouraging couples to find solutions outside of court; and a shift in societal attitudes as people are getting married later in life, potentially leading to more stable unions.


b. Rise in Co-habitation Disputes

As more couples choose to cohabit without marrying, there has been an increase in legal disputes involving property and financial arrangements following relationship breakdown. This shift has led to calls for clearer legislation governing cohabitation.


c. Technological Integration

The family law sector has seen increased use of digital tools and platforms, especially for case management, client communication, and document handling. The pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote hearings and virtual consultations, a trend that continues to influence how services are delivered.


d. Focus on Child Welfare

Changes in societal attitudes towards parenting and child welfare have led to more complex custody cases, with a greater emphasis on considering the child’s voice and preferences in judicial decisions.


e. International Cases

With more families moving internationally, there is a growing complexity in cases that deal with cross-border jurisdictional issues, international custody disputes, and the enforcement of foreign orders.


Section C: Finding Help with a Family Law Problem


Navigating the family law services landscape can be daunting, but with the right information and resources, you can find legal assistance that meets your needs and budget.


1. Steps to Choose the Right Family Law Service


Choosing the right family law professional or service can significantly impact the outcome of your matter, as well as your experience of dealing with what are often highly personal and emotional circumstances.

The following steps and tips will help to guide you through the process of finding the best adviser for your needs.


Step 1: Identify Your Needs

Before you start looking for a lawyer, understand what you need as this will dictate the kind of advice and service to look for.

Are you going through a divorce, dealing with custody issues, or needing help with an adoption? Most advisers focus on specific specialisms, such as high-net-worth divorces or child welfare law. If your case involves complex issues, a specialist with a deep understanding of the relevant area can provide more effective guidance and representation.


Step 2: Research Potential Advisers 

Start by asking friends and family for referrals or search online for family lawyers in your area. Professional directories and bar association listings can also provide a list of qualified lawyers.


Step 3: Check Credentials and Experience

Once you have a list of potential advisers, check their credentials. Make sure they are qualified and experienced in the issues relevant to your situation.

Reviews from previous clients can also provide valuable insights into their professionalism, effectiveness, and how they handle client relationships. This feedback can be instrumental in assessing whether a lawyer is the right fit for you.


Step 4: Schedule Consultations

Most family law solicitors offer an initial consultation, either free or at a reduced rate. Use this time to discuss your case and get a feel for their expertise and communication style.

A good adviser will explain complex legal terms in simple language and keep you updated on any developments.


Step 5: Discuss Costs

Before making your final decision, understand how they charge for their services, such as on an hourly rate or fixed fee basis, and if an up-front retainer payment is required. Also ask about any additional charges like court fees. Don’t be afraid to ask about different payment options or plans to ensure the financial aspects of your legal representation are clear and manageable.


2. Resources for Free or Subsidised Legal Advice in Family Law


Having little or no budget does not in itself mean you can’t access legal advice. The following resources and services may be available to you free of charge or at a reduced rate:


a. Citizens Advice: Offers free advice on legal, financial, and other problems, including family law issues.

b. Legal Aid: Available to individuals who qualify under a means test in England and Wales, providing support for those who cannot afford legal representation.

c. Law Centres: Across the UK, law centers offer free legal services, including advice on family law matters, especially for people with low income.

d. Pro Bono Legal Services: Many law firms and universities offer pro bono services where lawyers and law students provide free legal advice.

e. Online Resources: Websites like Gov.uk provide guidelines and information on handling legal procedures and finding legal help.


Section D: Practical Tips for Engaging with Family Law


Dealing with a family law problem can be emotionally taxing and complex.
With proper preparation and an understanding of the processes involved, you can alleviate stress and help to positively impact the outcome.

The following are practical tips on preparing for a family law case, including what to expect during legal proceedings, and how to manage communication with your solicitor to make the most of your working relationship.


1. Preparing for a Family Law Case


When preparing for a family law matter, it’s crucial to organise and

Being organised is arguably the most important factor. Diarise all important dates related to your case, including hearings, mediation sessions, and deadlines for submitting documents. If you have children, arrange childcare for your court dates to ensure you can attend proceedings without distractions. Also, plan your journey and transport to avoid being late for court appearances and meetings.

Gather all necessary documents to support your case. Start by collecting identity documents such as birth certificates and passports. If your case involves marital issues, include your marriage certificate.

Financial documents are also critical, especially for cases involving financial disputes or child maintenance; these should include tax returns, bank statements, payslips, and detailed records of debts and assets.

Additionally, compile any relevant communications such as emails, texts, or notes that could be relevant to your case, along with any previous court documents or orders if this is not the first legal encounter regarding the issue.

Beyond the logistical preparations, it’s important to educate yourself about the basic legal framework and terms used in family law. Familiarise yourself with the laws and regulations that apply to your specific case to better understand the proceedings and what is expected of you.

Lastly, dealing with family law issues can be emotionally taxing, so it’s essential to take care of your mental health. Speak to friends and family, join a support group or seek professional help if you’re experiencing emotional stress. Maintaining your well-being is crucial as you navigate through the complexities of your legal challenges.


2. What to Expect During Legal Proceedings


The journey through a family law case often begins with initial meetings and mediations. These early stages are crucial as they involve discussions with lawyers and may include mediation efforts aimed at resolving disputes without the need to go to court. This phase is intended to simplify proceedings and potentially settle issues amicably.

If mediation is unsuccessful, the case will progress to court hearings. This phase of the process usually starts with preliminary hearings, which lead into more substantive hearings where both parties present evidence and arguments. It’s a structured process, designed to give each side a fair opportunity to make their case.

Family law cases can be lengthy, often stretching over months or even years. Be prepared for potential delays which can arise due to the court’s busy schedule or the complexities of the case itself. These delays are not uncommon and require patience and persistence from all parties involved.

The culmination of these proceedings is the judgments and orders issued by a judge. These decisions are based on the evidence presented throughout the hearings. You will need to comply with these court orders, which may require adjustments over time depending on changes in circumstances or additional findings.


3. Communication with Your Solicitor


When engaging with your lawyer, it’s crucial to be open and honest in providing all relevant information. Withholding details can significantly hinder their ability to represent you effectively. As your case progresses, maintain regular communication with your lawyer, updating them with any new information or changes that might impact your case. This ensures that your legal strategy remains appropriate and responsive to any new developments.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions. If there are legal terms or procedures you do not understand, seeking clarification is essential for you to stay fully informed throughout the process. This knowledge empowers you to make better decisions and understand the implications of the legal proceedings.

It’s also important to set clear expectations with your lawyer. Discuss what you hope to achieve and understand the approach they plan to take with your case. Ensuring that you both have aligned expectations regarding legal strategy and communication frequency will help in managing the process more smoothly.

Lastly, keep detailed records of your interactions with your lawyer. Documenting these communications can be invaluable, especially in complex cases. Save emails, jot down details of phone conversations, and keep copies of all legal documents exchanged. This documentation can serve as a useful reference for any follow-up actions or clarifications needed as your case progresses.


Section E: Summary


Family law matters are invariably complex, involving emotional, logistical and financial considerations. The process can be made easier by selecting a family law adviser who is able to manage the legal procedures, champion your best interests and be empathetic to the personal challenges and upheaval you are likely to be experiencing while the issues are being resolved.

Alternatively, if you are considering managing the legal process by yourself, there is a wealth of information and resources available to help with understanding the UK family law system and its underlying procedures and rules.

Family law is, however, subject to frequent change, making it critical to ensure you are working to the correct and most recent rules.


Section F: FAQs about Family Law in the UK


What is family law? 

Family law is a branch of the legal system that deals with issues arising from family relationships, such as marriage, divorce, child custody, and adoption, among others. It includes the creation and removal of legal status, its consequences, and the protection of the rights of family members.


How do I find a reputable family lawyer in the UK? 

To find a reputable family lawyer, you can start by seeking referrals from friends or family members who have faced similar issues. Alternatively, you can consult professional directories, contact the Law Society for recommendations, or search online for lawyers with good reviews and specialisations that match your needs.


What should I consider when choosing a family law solicitor?

When choosing a family law solicitor, consider their experience, area of specialism, and reputation. Additionally, discuss their fees, communication style, and approach to handling cases similar to yours. It’s crucial to choose someone you feel comfortable with and who understands your specific circumstances.


Are there any free or subsidised resources for family law assistance? 

Yes, there are several resources in the UK where you can receive free or subsidised legal advice. These include Citizens Advice, local law centres, some charities, and Legal Aid, subject to qualifying based on your financial situation and the nature of your case.


How are child custody arrangements determined? 

Child arrangements are determined based on the best interests of the child. Factors considered include the child’s physical, emotional, and educational needs, the parents’ ability to meet these needs, the child’s own wishes (depending on their age and understanding), and any risk of harm to the child.


What is the process for filing for divorce? 

Under the UK’s no-fault divorce process, you can apply online or by post, with a court fee. After a waiting period and a conditional order, a final order finalises the divorce. Child arrangements and finances should be resolved and agreed beforehand.


Can I handle my family law case by myself? 

While it is possible to handle some aspects of a family law case on your own, especially if the case is straightforward, it’s advisable to seek professional advice. Family law can be complex, and a qualified lawyer can help navigate the legal intricacies, provide valuable advice, and represent your best interests in court.


How long does a typical family law case take? 

The duration of a family law case can vary widely depending on the complexity of the case and the issues involved. Simple cases might be resolved in a few months, while more complex cases, especially those involving contested issues, can take years.


What can I do if I’m unsatisfied with my family law solicitor? 

If you are not happy with your adviser’s services, discuss your concerns directly with them to resolve any issues. If this does not work, you may consider seeking a second opinion and potentially changing to another adviser. You also have the right to complain to the Legal Ombudsman if you believe your lawyer has not met professional standards.


Section H: Glossary of Family Law Terms


Ancillary Relief: A legal term used in divorce cases to describe financial and property claims between spouses.

Child Arrangement Order: A court order that outlines where a child will live and with whom they will spend time or have contact. It replaces what were formerly known as “custody” and “access” orders.

Cohabitation: The state of living together as a couple without being married. Legal disputes may arise concerning property and financial arrangements if the relationship ends.

Conditional Order: This replaces the Decree Nisi. It signifies the court’s intention to grant a divorce, but with a waiting period.

Decree Absolute: Prior to 6 April 2022, the final court order in a divorce proceeding that officially ends the marriage.

Decree Nisi: Prior to 6 April 2022, the provisional order by the court that states the date on which a marriage will end unless a further claim is made which could alter the court’s decision. It is an intermediary step towards a Decree Absolute.

Domestic Violence: Any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive, threatening, degrading, and violent behaviour, including sexual violence, between family members or partners.

Financial Dispute Resolution (FDR): A court hearing where the judge encourages parties in a divorce to reach an agreement about financial issues.

Final Order: This replaces the Decree Absolute. It officially ends the marriage after the waiting period.

Litigant in Person: Someone who represents themselves in court without the assistance of a solicitor or barrister.

Mediation: A process where an impartial third party assists the disputing parties to reach a mutually satisfactory agreement. It is often used in family law to resolve disputes regarding finances, property, and children.

Non-Molestation Order: A type of injunction used to protect an individual from harassment or harm from a partner or family member.

Parental Responsibility: The legal rights, duties, powers, and responsibilities that most parents have towards their children.12.

Prenuptial Agreement: A written contract created by two people before they are married. A prenup typically lists all of the property each person owns (as well as any debts) and specifies what each person’s property rights will be after the marriage.

Prohibited Steps Order: A court order used to prevent a parent from making specific trips or moves with their children without the consent of the other parent.

Separation Agreement: A document that sets out how a couple wishes to divide their assets and responsibilities when they separate, without immediately or ever divorcing.

Wardship: A protective court order for children under the age of 18, which places them under the protection of the court.



Section I: Additional Resources


This is the official government website for all sectors, including detailed sections on divorce, child custody, and other family law matters. It provides forms, procedures, and guidance on how to proceed with family law cases.


The Law Society
The Law Society is the independent professional body for solicitors in England and Wales. They offer a “Find a Solicitor” directory which helps you locate legal professionals based on specialisation and location.


Citizens Advice
Provides free, confidential information and advice on legal, financial, and other problems, including family law. They offer guidance on how to deal with legal issues and might direct you to further legal aid if necessary.


Rights of Women
This charity provides women with legal advice and information particularly focusing on family law, helping them to understand and secure their rights.


Offers advice, relationship counseling, family mediation, and a range of support services for families going through separation or other legal disputes.


A community of family justice professionals who work with families and individuals to resolve issues in a constructive way.



Gill Laing is a qualified Legal Researcher & Analyst with niche specialisms in Law, Tax, Human Resources, Immigration & Employment Law.

Gill is a Multiple Business Owner and the Managing Director of Prof Services - a Marketing Agency for the Professional Services Sector.

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