Buying a house is a significant milestone in anyone’s life, filled with excitement, decisions, and, inevitably, paperwork.

In the UK, the journey from starting your search to receiving the keys to your new home is complex and requires careful planning and understanding.

The process itself begins with financial preparation, where understanding your budget and securing mortgage pre-approval are crucial first steps. Next, embarking on the search for your ideal home involves considering various factors such as location, property type, and the use of estate agents and property websites.

Once you’ve found a property that feels like home, the buying process moves into making an offer, engaging solicitors for legal checks, and understanding the importance of property surveys. Only then can you move on to the formal stages of exchanging contracts and completion.

Equally important to the buying process is a thorough understanding of the local real estate market. The UK housing market can vary significantly from one region to another, with differences in property types, prices, and market dynamics.

Being informed about these local nuances can influence your decisions and strategies when searching for a home. Whether it’s identifying up-and-coming areas that offer better value or understanding local challenges that might affect property availability, knowledge of the local market is invaluable.

This article is a comprehensive guide to buying a house in the UK. From financial planning to moving day, we’ll cover everything you need to know about buying a home in the UK, ensuring you’re prepared for each step of this exciting journey.

“Did you know?

The number of houses bought and sold in the UK varies from year to year, depending on economic conditions, changes in housing policies, interest rates, and other factors. In recent years, the number of residential property transactions completed in the UK, with a value of over £40,000, ranges between 800,000 and 1.2 million annually. In 2023, roughly one million homes were sold in the UK, according to Zoopla Wrapped.”


Section A: Financial Planning to Buy a House


The first step in buying a home is financial planning. This means taking a close look at your current financial situation and understanding how much you can afford to spend on a new home without compromising your financial stability. Start by reviewing your regular income, savings, and existing debts to determine a realistic budget for your home purchase.


1. Assess your Budget


To assess your budget effectively, consider all potential costs involved in buying a home, not just the purchase price. This includes down payments, closing costs, moving expenses, and immediate home repairs you may need. A good rule of thumb is to ensure your monthly housing costs (including mortgage payments, property taxes, and insurance) do not exceed 28-30% of your gross monthly income.


2. Mortgage Options


Navigating mortgage options is another critical aspect of financial planning. The UK offers several types of mortgages, including fixed-rate, variable-rate, and interest-only mortgages. Each has its pros and cons, depending on your financial situation and how long you plan to stay in the home.

Getting pre-approved for a mortgage is a wise step before you start looking for a home. It involves approaching a mortgage lender who will assess your financial status to determine how much they would be willing to lend you. This not only helps in establishing a budget but also strengthens your position as a buyer when you make an offer on a home.


3. Check your Credit Score


Your credit score is a crucial factor in determining the success of your mortgage application. It affects the interest rate you will be offered and, ultimately, the amount you will pay over the life of your loan. A higher credit score can lead to more favourable mortgage terms.

Before you start the house-buying process, you should check your credit score with credit bureaus such as Experian, Equifax, or TransUnion. This will give you an insight into your credit health and an opportunity to improve it before lenders assess it.

You may be able to improve your credit score by:


a. Paying off existing debt: Reducing your debt-to-income ratio can significantly boost your score.

b. Paying bills on time: Ensure all your bills are paid promptly; late payments can negatively affect your score.

c. Correcting errors on your credit report: Regularly review your credit report for any inaccuracies and dispute them if necessary.

d. Keeping old credit accounts open: Older credit accounts can improve your credit history length, positively affecting your score.


By taking these preparatory steps, you place yourself in a better position to navigate the complexities of the real estate market and ensure that when you decide to buy a home, you are financially ready and able to secure the best possible terms for your mortgage.


Section B: Searching for Your Ideal Home


Finding the right home is a balance of meeting your practical needs and fulfilling your personal preferences. Buying a house is, for most people, the single biggest purchase they will ever make, so it’s important to take your time to research and consider all aspects thoroughly before making a decision.


1. Choosing the Right Location


The location of your new home influences not only the day-to-day quality of your life but also the long-term value of your investment. Here are some key factors to consider:


a. Commuting

Consider the distance to your workplace and the available commuting options. Proximity to good transport links can significantly reduce your daily travel time and costs. Areas with access to public transportation, such as train stations and bus routes, are highly sought after.


b. Schools

For families with children, the quality of local schools is often a top priority. Research the performance and reputation of schools in the area and consider both public and private options. Proximity to reputed educational institutions can also positively impact the property’s value.


c. Amenities

Local amenities can greatly enhance your living experience. Look for nearby shops, healthcare facilities, parks, and entertainment options. A well-rounded neighbourhood with ample amenities can provide convenience and improve your quality of life.


2. Types of Properties


Choosing the right type of property involves considering your budget, lifestyle, and future needs.


a. Detached houses

These are standalone properties that do not share any walls with neighbours, offering the most privacy. They often come with front and back yards and are ideal for families looking for space and solitude.


b. Semi-detached houses

These properties share a wall with just one other house. They offer a good balance between privacy and cost, often featuring decent-sized gardens. They are popular among families and first-time buyers.


c. Terraced houses

Commonly found in urban areas, terraced houses are lined up in a row, sharing walls on both sides with their neighbours. They are typically more affordable than detached and semi-detached houses and appeal to those looking for urban living.


d. Flats or Apartments

Flats are individual units within a larger building. They can range from small studio apartments to luxurious penthouses. Flats are popular in city centres where space is at a premium, and they often provide amenities such as communal gardens, gyms, and security features.


3. Research Properties


When searching for your home, use a combination of property websites and real estate agents to find listings that match your criteria.

While websites offer convenience and a broad view of the market, estate agents provide specialised knowledge and negotiation skills.

By leveraging both, you can streamline your search, compare your options more effectively, and make informed decisions.


a. Property Websites
Websites like Rightmove, Zoopla, and OnTheMarket have revolutionised how people search for property. These platforms offer comprehensive listings that you can browse from the comfort of your home.

Apply filters to refine your search results according to your needs. Using map views can also be incredibly helpful to understand the exact location of a property and its proximity to amenities like schools, transport links, and shops.

Take advantage of virtual tours and high-quality photos to get a good feel for the property before visiting in person. This can save you time by filtering out unsuitable options early in your search.

Most property websites allow you to set up alerts based on your search criteria. You can specify location, price range, type of property, number of bedrooms, and even more detailed features like garden or parking space. You’ll receive notifications whenever new listings that match your criteria are added, ensuring you don’t miss potential homes.

These websites also often provide valuable data on market trends, such as average prices in different areas and historical price changes. This information can help you gauge the right time to buy and identify areas that might offer good investment potential.


b. Estate Agents

While digital platforms are useful, working with a local estate agent can provide personalised assistance and insider knowledge that is hard to find online.

Estate agents can also offer advice on the buying process, help negotiate with sellers, and recommend other needed professionals like solicitors and surveyors.

While virtual tours are useful, attending viewings with your agent can provide deeper insights. They can point out potential problems with the property and discuss features that could affect your living experience.

Look for an agent with a strong track record in the specific area where you want to buy. They should have a thorough understanding of the local market and access to listings that might not yet be publicly available.

Importantly, be clear about your priorities, budget, and timeline. The more information your agent has, the better they can match you with suitable properties.


Section C: The Buying Process


The house-buying process can seem complex at first glance, but with a clear understanding of the key stages involved, you can approach it with confidence.


Stage 1. Make an Offer

Once you’ve found a property that meets your criteria, the next step is to make an offer.

Before making an offer, research similar properties in the area to get an idea of the market value. This will help you determine a fair and competitive offer price.

When arriving at your offer, also consider the seller’s situation. Understanding the seller’s motivations can be advantageous in negotiations. For example, if the seller is looking to move quickly, they might accept a lower offer for a speedy transaction.

When submitting your offer, which will usually be to the estate agent, present your position in the strongest light. If you are a first-time buyer, have no chain, or already have mortgage approval, these factors can make your offer more attractive compared to others.


Stage 2. Negotiation 

Negotiation is integral to the house-buying process, with the aim of arriving at an agreement that satisfies both parties.

Negotiation is an art that involves not only the initial offer but also potentially countering counter-offers from the seller.

It can be helpful to start realistically. Making an initial offer that’s too low can alienate the seller, but it’s also important to leave room for negotiation. Aim to start at a price that’s reasonable yet gives you some leverage to move upwards if needed.

Also, be ready to negotiate on other aspects, such as the move-in date or included fixtures and fittings, which can be appealing to the seller.


Stage 3. Offer Accepted 

Once your offer is accepted, solicitors and surveyors play crucial roles in the process. The buyer’s conveyancing solicitor handles all legal aspects of the purchase, including drafting and exchanging contracts, conducting local council searches to check for planning issues, and managing the transfer of funds.


Stage 4. Legal Checks 

Legal checks are critical for due diligence and ensuring your investment is sound and secure. These checks help identify any legal or physical issues that might affect the property’s value, your ability to enjoy it, or your right to occupy and use it.

Your solicitor should advise you on the types of searches that are available and appropriate for your circumstances. Typically, these would include:


a. Land Registry Checks

The Title Register and Title Plan are the most important documents in house buying. The Title Register confirms the seller’s ownership, details the rights and responsibilities tied to the property, and notes any mortgages or charges against it. The Title Plan shows the property’s boundaries.


b. Local Authority Searches

These provide crucial information about the property from the local council’s records. They include planning permissions, building control history, restrictions or road schemes near the property, and whether the property is in a conservation area.


c. Water and Drainage Searches

This search ensures the property is connected to fresh and waste water drains. It also checks whether any public drains on the property might affect extensions or building works.

d. Environmental Search

Conducted by your solicitor, this search assesses risks from land contamination, flooding, radon, and other environmental factors that could impact the property.


e. Chancel Repair Liability Search

This checks if the property is liable for contributions towards the repair of a church in the parish. It is a historical anomaly but can be expensive if applicable.


f. Location-Specific Searches

Depending on the property’s location, additional searches may be necessary. For example, in mining areas, a mining search is required to check for subsidence risks. In coastal areas, a cliff or shore erosion search might be warranted.


Stage 5: Property Survey


Alongside these legal checks, a physical survey by a qualified surveyor is recommended to assess the building’s condition and save you from expensive surprises after you move in.

The type of survey you choose can vary based on the property’s age, type, and condition:


a. Home Condition Survey

The simplest and least expensive survey is suitable for new-build and conventional homes in good condition. It provides a clear report highlighting urgent issues.


b. HomeBuyer Report

More detailed, this survey is suitable for conventional properties in reasonable condition. It checks for problems like damp and subsidence and includes advice on repairs and maintenance.


c. Building Survey

The most comprehensive option is recommended for older homes or those in need of repair. It provides a detailed analysis of the property’s condition, offers advice on defects, repairs, and maintenance, and includes estimated costs.


The more comprehensive and in-depth the survey, the more likely it is to cost more.

If you are buying the property with a mortgage, the mortgage provider may stipulate the type of survey you will need to progress with your application.


Stage 6. The Exchange of Contracts and Completion


The final stage of buying a house relates to the contract that officially transfers ownership from the seller to the buyer.

‘Exchange of contract’ is the legally binding stage involving both parties’ solicitors exchanging signed contracts and the buyer paying a deposit (typically 10% of the purchase price). After the exchange, both parties are committed to the transaction.

The final step of the conveyancing process is ‘completion’, when the remaining payment is transferred from the buyer’s solicitor to the seller’s solicitor and the keys are handed over. The property is officially yours.


Tips for the House-Buying Process 

To make your home-buying process as smooth as possible, consider these tips:


a. Stay Informed: Keep yourself updated about the local real estate market and any changes in property law or taxes that could affect your purchase.


b. Be Flexible: Be prepared for possible setbacks such as delays in the chain, unexpected findings in the property survey, or loan approval issues.


c. Stay in Touch: Regular communication with your estate agent, solicitor, and lender is essential to ensure everyone is on the same page and to push the process forward efficiently.


d. Budget for Extras: Always have a contingency budget for additional costs such as stamp duty, solicitor fees, renovations, and moving expenses.


e. Think Long-Term: Consider how your needs might change in the future and whether the property will continue to meet those needs. Also, think about the resale value of the property should you decide to move again.


Section D: Costs and Taxes When Buying a House


While the property price itself is a major cost, buying a house in the UK comes with a variety of additional expenses to consider when budgeting for your move, including tax, the costs associated with moving and other obligations such as Council Tax.


1. Tax Obligations for Home Buyers


Homebuyers must consider their tax obligations early in the buying process to avoid surprises.


a. Stamp Duty Land Tax 

A significant cost associated with buying a home in the UK is Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT), which applies to most residential property purchases.

Stamp Duty is charged on properties costing more than a certain threshold, meaning you won’t pay any stamp duty on the entire purchase price as the relevant threshold level is tax-exempt.

The current SDLT threshold for UK residents purchasing a primary residence is £250,000. This is a temporary exemption that has been in place since 23 September 2022 and is set to expire on 31 March 2025. After that date, the threshold is expected to return to its previous level of £125,000.

There are different rates and reliefs depending on your situation, and the tax is tiered, similar to income tax. The applicable SDLT rates vary based on the purchase price of the property, your residency status, and whether it’s your first time buying a house.

First-time buyers in England and Northern Ireland can claim relief on properties up to £425,000. You’ll pay no stamp duty on the first £425,000 and then a rate of 5% on any portion exceeding that amount up to £625,000.

Unlike first-time buyers who can benefit from a tax break on their main residence purchase under £425,000, existing homeowners face standard SDLT rates when buying their main residence. These rates are tiered based on the property price: 5% for properties between £250,001 and £925,000, 10% between £925,000 and £1.5 million, and 12% above £1.5 million.

An additional 3% surcharge also applies to existing homeowners and those buying an additional property (like a buy-to-let or second home) on each of these standard bands. This effectively increases the rates to 8% for properties between £250,001 and £925,000, 13% between £925,000 and £1.5 million, and 15% for anything above £1.5 million.

Otherwise, the rates increase progressively: 5% between £425,001 and £925,000, 10% between £925,001 and £1.5 million, and 12% above £1.5 million.

Not being a UK resident also adds extra charges: a flat 2% on top of all rates for non-residents.

Engaging a solicitor or tax adviser can help you understand these obligations based on current laws and your specific situation, including how to potentially reduce these taxes through various reliefs and exemptions available.

Please read our extenstive guide to Conveyancing Solicitors here >>


b. Capital Gains Tax 

Buyers should also be aware of other potential taxes, such as Capital Gains Tax, if they are buying a property as an investment and might sell it for a profit in the future, triggering a Capital Gains tax liability.


2. Costs of Moving House


Once the property purchase is completed, you will encounter several costs relating to the move itself.


a. Removals

The cost of hiring professional movers depends on the size of your home, the distance you’re travelling, and the level of service required. Expect to pay anywhere between £500 and £2,000 for a standard removal within the same city.

Plan ahead and get quotes from multiple removal companies, being clear on what will be included in the services. Alternatively, you can save money by packing yourself.


b. Utilities Set-Up Fees

Transferring or setting up new utility accounts like gas, electricity, water, and internet can involve fees.

Contact your chosen providers for their latest rates.


c. Buildings and Contents Insurance

Protecting your new property and belongings requires homeowner’s insurance. Buildings insurance is often required by mortgage lenders, while contents insurance is advisable. Premiums will depend on factors like the rebuild value of your house and the level of cover you choose.


d. Will & Life Insurance

While not directly related to the move, it is prudent to update your will and review your life insurance needs after a significant purchase like a house.


e. Redirection of Mail

Royal Mail offers mail redirection services for a fee.

Read more about Royal Mail redirections here >>


3. Budgeting for Renovations, Utilities, and Maintenance


The excitement of moving into your new UK home can quickly be dampened by unexpected costs. While the focus is often on the purchase price and moving expenses, several initial costs await you once you’ve moved in. Include these costs as part of your home-buying budget so you can enjoy your new home without financial strain.


a. Council Tax

This annual property tax levied by local authorities will vary depending on the property’s location and value. You can find council tax band information for your new house online.


b. Broadband and TV Package Installation

Setting up a new package for a new address often involves installation fees on top of monthly subscription costs.


c. Decorating

You might have plans to paint or make minor repairs to personalise your new space—factor in the cost of paint, supplies, or potential contractor fees. Buying new furniture and initial repairs or modifications can add up quickly.

If the home is not in move-in condition, you may need some immediate renovation work, such as electrics and plumbing. These costs will also need to be factored in.


Section E: Common Myths About Buying a House


Myth 1: You need a 20% deposit to buy a home.

Fact: A 20% deposit is not a universal or mandatory requirement in the UK. There are options aimed at buyers with smaller deposits, such as Help to Buy and shared ownership schemes. However, generally speaking, lenders tend to view borrowers with smaller deposits as riskier, resulting in a higher interest rate on your mortgage and increasing the overall cost of your loan. Some lenders might also charge additional fees for mortgages with lower deposits.


Myth 2: Your credit score must be perfect to get a mortgage.

Fact: While a higher credit score can secure you better mortgage terms, many lenders will consider lower scores with varying interest rates and down payment requirements. There are also government schemes and specialised lenders focused on helping those with less-than-perfect credit.


Myth 3: It’s cheaper to rent than buy in the long term.

Fact: While renting may be cheaper in the short term, especially in areas with high property values, buying a home can be more cost-effective over time. Homeownership allows you to build equity, and mortgage payments can eventually be lower than rental costs as they don’t rise with inflation.


Myth 4: The asking price is non-negotiable.

Fact: Asking prices is often a starting point for negotiations. Many factors can influence how much leeway there is in the price, including how long the home has been on the market, current market conditions, and the seller’s circumstances.


Myth 5: Once you’re pre-approved for a mortgage, you’re guaranteed the money.

Fact: Pre-approval is a strong indicator that a lender will grant you a loan, but it’s not a guarantee. Changes in your financial situation, interest rate fluctuations, or findings during the property appraisal can affect the final approval.


Myth 6: Spring is the best time to buy a home.

Fact: While the spring market is traditionally active, leading to more listings and potentially finding a home that suits your needs, buying in the off-season (like winter) might mean less competition and potentially better deals from sellers eager to close.


Myth 7: You can’t buy a home if you have existing debt.

Fact: Having debt doesn’t automatically disqualify you from buying a home. Lenders will look at your debt-to-income ratio to determine if you can manage your existing debts while taking on a mortgage. Keeping this ratio low can help you qualify for a home loan.


Myth 8: New homes don’t need inspections.

Fact: Every home, regardless of whether it’s new or old, should be inspected. New homes can have problems with construction, wiring, plumbing, and even compliance with local building codes, which a good home inspection can uncover.


Myth 9: Estate agents are too expensive to be worth it.

Fact: The seller typically pays the commission for both the buyer’s and seller’s agents. As a buyer, using an estate agent won’t usually cost you anything and can provide significant benefits, including negotiation expertise and access to more property listings.


Section F: Summary


Buying a home in the UK is an exciting journey that involves several key steps, each important to ensure a successful purchase:


a. Financial Preparation: Start with assessing your budget and understanding your financial capacity. Check your credit score and seek mortgage pre-approval to establish your buying limits.


b. Finding the Right Home: Use property websites and estate agents to find homes that meet your criteria. Consider factors like location, type of property, commuting options, local schools, and amenities to choose the right neighbourhood.


c. Making an Offer and Negotiating: Once you find your ideal home, make a well-researched offer. Negotiate thoughtfully, considering the seller’s circumstances and market conditions.


d. Legal and Survey Processes: Engage a solicitor to handle legal paperwork and a surveyor to inspect the property. These professionals will ensure that all legalities are covered and the property is in good condition.


e. Closing the Deal: The final steps include the exchange of contracts where commitments are made legally binding, followed by the completion of the sale when you officially become the homeowner.


Section G: Frequently Asked Questions About Buying a House


How long does it typically take to buy a house in the UK?

The process can vary significantly, but generally, buying a house in the UK can take between 12 to 16 weeks from the offer being accepted to completion. Delays can occur due to issues in the chain, financing, or during the legal discovery phase.


What is a ‘chain’ in the context of buying a house?

A chain involves multiple linked property transactions that all need to take place for each sale to proceed. For example, the person you are buying from may also be dependent on buying another property, and so on. Chains can complicate and prolong the buying process.


Do I need a mortgage broker?

While not mandatory, a mortgage broker can be extremely helpful, especially for first-time buyers or if you have unique circumstances, such as being self-employed. Brokers can offer access to a wider range of products, help find the best rates, and guide you through the mortgage application process.


What are the upfront costs of buying a home?

Beyond the deposit, upfront costs include stamp duty (if applicable), solicitor’s fees, surveyor fees, and potentially mortgage arrangement and valuation fees. These can add several thousands of pounds to your initial expenses.


What should I prioritise when choosing a location?

Prioritise based on your personal needs, such as proximity to work, quality of local schools, transportation links, and the general amenities and safety of the area. Your priorities might change depending on whether you are buying alone, with a partner, or as a family.


What types of property surveys are available?

There are mainly three types of surveys: a Condition Report, which is the most basic; a HomeBuyer Report, which covers general issues and includes a valuation; and a Building Survey, which is detailed and recommended for older homes or those in need of repair.


How much should I expect to pay in solicitor’s fees?

Solicitor’s fees can vary depending on the complexity of your property transaction and the price of the property but typically range from £850 to £1,500 plus VAT. This cost often includes handling the transfer of funds and conducting local searches.


Can I negotiate the asking price?

Yes, negotiation is a standard part of the home-buying process in the UK. Your ability to negotiate might be stronger if you are not in a chain, you have a mortgage approval in place, or if the property has been on the market for a long time.


What is the difference between exchange and completion?

Exchange of contracts is when the respective legal representatives of the buyer and seller swap signed contracts, and the buyer typically pays a deposit. This makes the deal legally binding. Completion is when the remaining money is transferred, and the buyer receives the keys and legal title.


What happens if a survey finds problems with the property?

If a survey finds significant issues, you can renegotiate the price to account for repair costs, ask the seller to fix the issues before completion, or, in some cases, decide to withdraw your offer and look for another property.


Section H: Glossary of Terms Related to Buying a House


Asking Price: The price at which a property is marketed and the initial amount the seller hopes to receive.

Building Survey: A comprehensive report on the structure and condition of a property recommended for older homes or those in need of repair.

Capital Gains Tax (CGT): A tax on the profit when you sell (or ‘dispose of’) something (an ‘asset’) that’s increased in value. It’s the gain you make that’s taxed, not the amount of money you receive.

Chain: A series of linked property purchases where each transaction is dependent on the completion of others in the sequence.

Completion: The final stage in the sale of a property, where all remaining funds are transferred, and the buyer receives the keys and legal rights to the property.

Conveyancing: The legal process of transferring property from one owner to another.

Council Tax: A local taxation system on residential properties in the UK, collected by local authorities. It is used to pay for local services like trash collection and street maintenance.

Credit Score: A numerical expression based on a level analysis of a person’s credit files to represent the creditworthiness of an individual. A higher score suggests better credit terms and easier approval processes for loans.

Deposit: The portion of the property’s price paid upfront by the buyer (usually around 10-20% of the purchase price) to secure the transaction.

Equity: The value of the ownership built up in a property that represents the current market value of the house minus any remaining mortgage payments.

Exchange of Contracts: The point at which signed contracts are exchanged between the buyer’s and seller’s solicitors, and the sale becomes legally binding.

Fixed-Rate Mortgage: A mortgage that has a fixed interest rate for a specific period of time, providing predictable monthly payments and protection from interest rate increases.

Gazumping: When a seller accepts a verbal offer on the property from one potential buyer but then accepts a higher offer from someone else.

HomeBuyer Report: A survey designed to analyse the inside and outside of the property and provide a valuation.

Leasehold: A property tenure where one owns the property for the length of the lease agreement with the freeholder. Common in flats.

LTV (Loan to Value) Ratio: A calculation that compares the amount of your mortgage with the home’s market value, expressed as a percentage.

Mortgage: A loan taken out to buy property or land. The loan is ‘secured’ against the value of the home until it is paid off.

Pre-approval: An initial evaluation by a lender to determine if the borrower qualifies for a loan and the maximum amount the lender would be willing to lend.

Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT): A tax paid on amounts over a certain threshold for residential land and property transactions.

Surveyor: A professional who assesses a property and prepares a report on its condition and value.

Variable-Rate Mortgage: A mortgage in which the interest rate is typically linked to the Bank of England’s base rate and can change over time, affecting the monthly payments.


Section I: Additional Resources


UK Government – Buying a Home
This comprehensive guide from the UK government offers a step-by-step overview of the house-buying process, including finances, legalities, and moving in.


The Building Society Association – Buying Your First Home 
This resource from the Building Society Association caters specifically to first-time buyers, providing guidance on saving for a deposit, understanding mortgage options, and the overall buying process.



Gill Laing is a qualified Legal Researcher & Analyst with niche specialisms in Law, Tax, Human Resources, Immigration & Employment Law.

Gill is a Multiple Business Owner and the Managing Director of Prof Services - a Marketing Agency for the Professional Services Sector.

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