Divorce Mediation: Practical Guide

divorce mediation

Divorce mediation can offer separating couples a quicker, more cost-effective and risk averse approach to dealing with child arrangement and financial orders. In this practical guide, we look at what’s involved in the divorce mediation process when deciding post-separation financial arrangements. What is divorce mediation? When you decide to divorce or end a civil partnership, […]

Spousal Maintenance Rules

spousal maintenance

When a married couple or civil partners separate, it is not uncommon for the financially weaker spouse or partner to seek regular payments from their ex to help with living costs. The following comprehensive guide to spousal maintenance for separating couples looks at the key aspects of this form of financial arrangement, from what this […]

Prohibited Steps Order Guide

Prohibited steps order

If you have serious concerns about decisions being made in relation to your child’s upbringing, you may be able to apply for a Prohibited Steps Order (PSO). What is a Prohibited Steps Order? A Prohibited Steps Order is used to prevent someone from exercising their parental responsibility and taking specific action regarding a child. Under […]