PTSD Compensation Claims Guide

If you are suffering mentally from the after-effects of an accident or other traumatic event that was someone else’s fault, you may be able to claim compensation for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The following PTSD compensation claims guide looks at the circumstances in which you can claim for PTSD, the different types of PTSD claim, […]
Failing to Stop After an Accident

If you’re involved in a road traffic accident, leaving the scene may constitute an offence in itself, in addition to any offence relating to the collision itself. Even in far less serious scenarios, for example, where a driver scrapes another vehicle in a car park or clips a wing mirror, there can still be serious […]
Criminal Injuries Compensation CICA Claims

If you have been the victim of a violent crime resulting in injury, you may be eligible to claim criminal injuries compensation. The following guide to the criminal injuries compensation authority (CICA) examines in detail how CICA criminal injury claims work — from what constitutes a criminal injury and who qualifies for compensation, to how […]
UK Driving Offences & Penalty Points

If convicted of a driving offence, you face penalties such as points on your licence, a fine, attending a driver awareness course or, for the more serious offences, imprisonment. A fixed penalty notice is an alternative to court prosecution where you have committed a motoring offence. In most cases, it includes both a fine and […]