Pressure Sore Claims: Compensation for Bed Sores

If you or a loved one has suffered from pressure sores as either a hospital inpatient or care home resident, you may be entitled to claim compensation. Pressure sores can be especially painful, taking time to fully heal, and can cause a great deal of suffering as a result. In severe cases, they can even […]
What is a Material Breach of Contract?

Contract law is a body of law which regulates the making and enforcing of contractually binding agreements, where understanding how the law operates, including the different types of breaches of contract and the remedies that can flow from these breaches, can be useful, not least for those involved in or responsible for running their own […]
Fundamental Breach of Contract Guide

Breach of contract disputes are commonplace, not least within a commercial context, where businesses are dealing with contractual agreements on a daily basis. Where a breach is especially serious, such that the innocent party feels forced to bring the contract to an end, it is important for the parties involved not only to understand the […]
Executor Not Communicating With Beneficiaries?

An executor not communicating with beneficiaries following the death of a loved one can often feel alarming, creating unnecessary angst during an already emotionally difficult time. It can therefore be useful, from the perspective of the beneficiaries, to know how best to approach this and what can be done to resolve any issues, where necessary. […]
Anticipatory Breach of Contract: Practical Guide
It’s a commercial reality that sometimes contracts go unfulfilled. Whether due to an intentional breach of contract or circumstances beyond the control of the breaching party, the terms of the contract are either not met in full, or at all, and the agreement is broken. There can also be occasions where one party to a contract […]
UK Government Blocks Scotland’s Gender Recognition Bill

The UK Government has blocked progress of Scotland’s controversial Gender Recognition Bill. The GRA was designed to make it easier for people in Scotland to change their legal gender. Under the current rules, trans people must meet certain requirements to change their gender legally, including being at least 18 years old, obtaining a medical diagnosis […]