Statutory Declaration: A Complete Guide
Despite their historic origins, dating back almost two hundred years, statutory declarations are still commonly used to allow an individual to declare something to be true for the purposes of satisfying some legal requirement or regulation, often when no other evidence is available to prove the matter in question. The following guide examines the nature […]
Guide to UK Obscenity Laws

The obscenity laws in the UK are not limited to a single piece of legislation, nor indeed any one criminal offence. Following the introduction of the Obscene Publications Act 1959 — the first statute to criminalise the publication of obscene material — there are now a number of obscenity-related offences under several different pieces of […]
How to Get a Non Molestation Order
For victims of domestic abuse, a non molestation order can be used to prevent your abuser from harassing you further. In this article, we explain how to apply to court to get a non molestation order and what to do if you need to make an emergency application. What is a non molestation order? A […]