What Is Slander? (Essential Defamation Guide)

What is slander? Slander is one of two types of defamation. For a statement to be defamatory, it must be false and have caused or have the potential to cause harm to the reputation of another party. Slander covers defamatory statements that are temporary in nature and includes spoken statements, gestures as well as conduct. […]
Licensing Law Changes Expected To Boost Crisis Recovery
Pubs, restaurants and cafes are expected to be allowed to provide food and drink outdoors in a change to licensing laws designed to support businesses through the coronavirus crisis. The changes would see every pub, bar and restaurant automatically given permission to serve alcohol for people to drink on the pavement and in the street. […]
Lockdown Legal Challenge Set For High Court
A crowdfunded legal challenge to the government’s lockdown policy will be heard at the High Court on 2 July. A Crowdjustice campaign, led by businessman Simon Dolan, has to date raised more than £182,000, with almost 5,500 people having donated to fund legal action against the government over ‘unlawful’ lockdown measures. The High Court will […]