How to Make a SAR Request
The following guide sets out how to make a SAR request and what you should expect from the organisation you’re requesting the information from. What is a SAR request? By law you have a right to find out if any company or organisation is using or storing your personal data, and to be provided with […]
Child Arrangements Order Breach: Enforcing Your Rights
A breach of a child arrangements order is where one party has failed to comply with a condition specified in that order. This may be a relatively minor breach, or a culmination of breaches, for example, failing to adhere to set times for contact to take place. The breach may, however, be much more serious, […]
Minimum Working Temperature – What the Law Says!

Under the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, employers are required to keep the temperature in the workplace to a ‘reasonable’ level. In practice, what would be classed as ‘reasonable’? Minimum working temperature There is no set minimum working temperature, however, the Workplace regulations suggest that the general minimum working temperature should be 16 […]
Paternity Test FAQs
There are a number of reasons why you may seek a paternity test, from a dispute over child maintenance to securing child contact through the courts. Whether you have decided to get a paternity test for peace of mind, or a test has been ordered by the Child Maintenance Service or the courts, this guide […]
Professional Negligence Pre Action Protocol (How to Comply)
The professional negligence pre action protocol applies in the event a claim is made against a professional as a result of their alleged negligence or equivalent breach of contract or breach of fiduciary duty. What is the professional negligence pre-action protocol? In England and Wales civil litigation is governed by the Civil Procedure Rules (or […]
ACAS Holiday Pay (Your Entitlement!)

The majority of workers, whether employed on a part time or full time basis, are entitled to holiday pay each year, including most agency and freelance workers, under the Working Time Regulations 1998 (amended in 2003), Employment Rights Act 1996 and the ACAS Codes of Practice. How much holiday pay are you entitled to? To […]