How Can a Father Get Custody of His Child?
Custody is now known as residence and refers to the arrangements as to where the child will live for some or all of their time. The courts encourage for residence to be settled with an informal agreement between the parents. If however an agreement cannot be reached or if an existing arrangement has been broken, […]
Can a Mother Stop a Father From Seeing Their Child?

10 minute read Last updated 16th August 2019 Can a Mother Stop a Father From Seeing Their Child? The welfare of the child is of the utmost importance in these situations. This article covers: When can contact be restricted? What can I do if my child’s mother stops me from seeing my child? What is […]
What is Paternity Leave?

Paternity leave is time qualifying employees can take off work to care for their newborn baby or following the adoption of a child. Paternity leave is not an entitlement, as such it will be important to understand if it as available to you. You may also be eligible for paternity pay whilst you are on […]
How Much is Child Maintenance?
The framework for assessing, collecting and enforcing child maintenance payments is set out in the Child Support Act 1991. Under the Act, both separated parents of a qualifying child are responsible for the financial cost of bringing up that child, provided the parent does not fall under one of the exemptions. Once it has been […]
What is Child Maintenance?
If you have separated from your partner, you may have concerns about who is now financially responsible for the every day living costs of your child (or children). This guide will help you to understand the question of ‘What is child maintenance?’ – and the options that are available to you to ensure that your […]
Who Gets Child Tax Credits in Shared Custody?

3 minute read Last updated: 11th August 2019 The question of who gets child tax credits in a shared custody arrangement can be complicated since only one person can claim child tax credit for any one child. Both parents may feel they would benefit from receiving child tax credit and on the basis of a […]